Turning Munich Re into the most magnetic employer

EVP communication campaign
Client - Munich Re

Design lead + Concept

We worked with the global HR team at Munich Re to develop their Employee Value Proposition through a framework of 6 invitations inviting potential applicants to achieve more – something that is only possible with a true global leader.

The concept elevates the Munich Re corporate design to create a visual framework for the campaign. It indicates change and activation by using blocks and a flexible typographic system. The authentic and intimate imagery in combination with a bold colour palette compliments the impactful headlines to create a sense of movement and pushing boundaries.

The digital campaign launched internally and on various online platforms. We created a wide range of assets from social media posts, to internal culture book and the career page website for the launch. The further roll out also included scheduling employee interviews, testimonials and photoshoot in support of the new EVP.


AB Scale


Journey of inventing